Are you planning on joining the British military (Royal Navy, Royal Marines, Army, Royal Air Force / RAF)?
Would you like to give yourself the best chance of passing your entrance tests? We can help!
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Our instructors are ex-military / current reserves and offer training services to give you the best start to your military career. We know from experience how daunting those first steps can be and so we’ve devised training coaching plans that cover:
DAA Defence Aptitude Assessments | MSFT Bleep Tests |
PJFT Pre-Joining Fitness Tests | RFT Role Fitness Tests |
PRMC Potential Royal Marines Course | Tabbing / Yomping / Rucking |
Basic Training | Running |
Loaded Marches | Mid Thigh Pulls |
Med Ball Throws | Sit-Ups |
Press-Ups | Jerry Can Carries |
Pull-Ups | Fire & Movement |
WHT Weapon Handling Test | Skill at Arms |
Fieldcraft | Fitness Training |

Please get in touch to discuss our coaching plans and give yourself the edge when you get to basic.
Courses are monthly-based, with a requirement to visit our location in Droitwich Spa, Worcestershire and include, but are not limited to:
- 1 x TAB / Yomp per week (distance and weight varies)
- 1 x 2Km run per week
- 1 x PMF group fitness session per week (Monday, Thursday evenings or Sunday morning)
“Failing to prepare
is preparing to fail”
Interested? Please get in touch!

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